Non League Football Fans – Write For Us

Are you passionate about Non League Football and would like to contribute to this site? Do you support a non-league team and have something to say about your club? If so please get in touch.

Our aim is to provide the global audience hooked on Non League Football with news, views, opinions, analysis and much more. We’ll be at matches, press conferences, and talking to those who matter; the players who wear the shirts with pride.

We’ll also be digging around to try to unearth all the big transfer stories, following up on the mainstream media’s take on the club and reacting to breaking stories with our back-page round-up. We will bring you analysis, opinions, reports and nostalgia.

If you want to be a part of this and showcase your own stories, analysis and insights about your team or the league, we’d love to hear from you. Whether you are a budding writer in need of a platform to show your work and build up a portfolio or just a fan who wants to broadcast their views, you should talk to us